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Safer, faster. By far.


Concerned with safety, cost and time needed to clear dead stock and put your silo back into maximal operation?
We have an extensive experience in building, operating, maintaining and cleaning silos. Grateful to this unique background we have built a deep understanding of the complexity os silo cleaning.

Our motto is to learn from all experiences, and this has guided us to declare an absolute "no-man-entry" policy until all materials stuck on the walls and accumulated in dangerous slopes are all brought down.
We do so by constantly monitoring the work area with laser and compute exact volume removals so that the client can constantly be informed of the progress of operations.

To offer the best, Amann Engineering and Toyo Grinding Ball have combined the best of Swiss and Japan Technology to offer a totally new silo cleaning system that solves the limitations of all current systems.

  • No Human Entry

  • No Rotating Parts (better reliability)

  • Ultrafast cleaning of Silo Walls & Bottom

  • Laser Tech (Switzerland) and Soft Impact Air Cleaning Tech (Japan)

  • Evacuation through existing extraction and side manhole, only

  • The best experienced supervision

Our solution is extremely powerful, and carefully mastered by our crew. It is the fruit of many years of successful experience and dozens of silos cleaned in Japan. The recent addition of Amann Engineering own technology has made it even more efficient.

On the mid term Amann and Toyo are planning to provide specific training and also sell the equipment altogether to large companies when they want to clean silos on their own or qualify local contractors.

Amann is willing to take responsibility of timely delivery of your clean silo, providing exemplary supervision and tools, working hand in hand with your team. We clear material typically in one to two weeks when other techniques can last months or even never succeed.


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Next topic:
3D Thermal and Process

By Amann Engineering GmbH, Geneva, 2020

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